About This Site


Providing Resources For Safety Professionals Since 2022!

Daniel Simmen, GSP

Why Was TalkSafetyUSA Created?

     Shortly after starting my first summer safety internship, I was tasked with providing a daily safety talk to my team as well as the company as whole on some occasions. My first few safety talks were short off the cuff speeches about whatever I could remember from my university courses. However, as time went on I began to research and prepare myself to give better, more in depth, safety talks about site specific issues as well as issues that pertain to activities outside of work.

     In December of 2022 I was hired back by the same company in an expanded safety role. It was then that I decided that, while I am creating my own presentations and safety toolbox talks, I could share those resources with other professionals starting their careers in the field of safety.

And that’s exactly what I aim to do with this website, providing myself and others with a valuable resource that will grow and improve as I do!

Have any questions or suggestions for the website? Feel free to contact me at [email protected]

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